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This is the beginning of our search for a new point and shoot camera – technology has advanced considerably since we bought our Canon Powershot A570IS Ai AF with 4X Optical Zoom 5.8-23.2mm and 7.1 Mega Pixels. Here are some options to consider:
A new Powershot is being previewed and expected out this fall
Two Thin Cameras Packing Fat Lenses
Light Field technology developed by Lytro is expected to release its first model later this fall.
Much as we enjoyed it, while we were both working full time Plu and I had to give up double sculling at the Vancouver Rowing Club because we could not find the relatively large blocks of time it took to get down to the club and out on the water. But now with Plu retired and Tony about to join her, we are beginning to reconnoitre the options for getting a boat for the two of us to row regularly around False Creek and English Bay. Below are links to some of the options we have found to consider.
Some initial thoughts on pros and cons:
Based on these considerations the options at the top of the list below initially appear to be more appealing and it seems likely a boat with basic equipment could be found for $7-9,000.
Little River Marine Heritage 15 and 18
Chesapeake Light Craft Annapolis Wherry
In Barcelona we at long last found a mirror that would jazz up the bathroom wall on Tempus Fugit. The challenge now is to find a way to hang this rather heavy glass framed mirror on a tiled wall without damaging the tiles and securely enough to carry the significant weight on a rolling boat.
Listed below are links to antennas that can boost the Wifi signal that I receive on my MacBook Air. I am looking for ways to improve reception from our boats in marinas in BC and France. Based on reviewing these options I have ordered the Bearextender to see how well it performs. & Does not work with OS 10.6.8 and above