Archive for the ‘ Governance ’ Category

The Weakness of Positive Thinking

Depends on how you define and put into operation “positive thinking”

An Election Half Empty

Optimism and leadership and Jeb Bush’s candour

The Happiness Project

Book and references interesting review comments both pro and con

Let’s Be Less Productive

What does this imply for our individual lives as academics, the field of planning and governance?

A Richer Life By Seeing The Glass Half Full

Half Full

The Gardens of Democracy

The Gardens of Democracy: A New American Story of Citizenship, The Economy and the Role of Government

Authors on Charlie Rose

Honing Your Comparative Advantage

The Creative Monopoly Good thought Brooks but the wrong words for shaping and fostering the concepts appeal

Imagine & How We Decide

Jonah Lehrer



Canada’s Consensus Driven Supreme Court Under McLachlin

Perspective on the Canadian Supreme Court under Chief Justice Beverley McLachlin at a time when Harper has the opportunity to make two new appointments and three more likely in the near future. Also see the lists of related articles.

Sam Spade At Starbucks: Real Insight From Readers’ Comments

Sam Spade At Starbucks by David Brooks

One more example of how the real value of his columns lies in the thoughts stimulated by the comments from his readers. It would interesting to know more about the extent to which the comments are read by the readership, who they are, whether they have any impact etc